Anything that may be construed as a link-building scheme.
Contribute to the Botkeeper blog
We’re always on the hunt for the best quality content, and we've got a feeling you have some up your sleeve. Please read this page carefully before getting started. Once you've digested the specifics, please follow the submission process steps to get the ball rolling!
Step-by-Step Instructions to Help You Write the Best Botkeeper Blog Post. Ever.
The Botkeeper Blog is where the Botkeeper team as well as Accounting and Tech thought leaders post articles on topics like how accounting firms can revolutionize their accounting practices, Botkeeper product updates, embracing new business methodologies, and more.
We post high-quality thought leadership pieces that speak to the state of technology and accounting — where we are today, and where we’re going. The goal of every Botkeeper Blog post is to educate and inspire the Botkeeper audience using thought leadership and industry best practices. Every part of your post should be focused on enhancing a reader’s experience, providing actionable insights throughout the article rather than summary, strategy, or statistics alone. Successful guest contributions are thorough, data-driven, and engaging posts that teach our readers something new.
If you’d like to continue building your brand and get more website traffic by contributing to the Botkeeper Blog, submit your ideas with this blog request form after reading through the guidelines below.

Blog Posting Guidelines
To hold all blog posts to this standard, we’ve put together some helpful guidelines:
1. High-quality authorship
Submissions must meet Botkeeper’s quality standards to be published, determined by Botkeeper Content editors. We also reserve the right to revise and edit your content as we see fit.
2. Length requirement
Please keep your article in the range of 800 – 1,500 words.
3. Education for the majority of the Botkeeper audience
If a topic is irrelevant to more readers than it helps, we'll need to rework the topic or find a different approach.
4. Citing sources
Always use appropriate attribution of data, quotes, and/or other third-party resources referenced in your post.
5. Links
We encourage the use of backlinks, using the best judgment policy. Typically, this means around two backlinks to your site content in the body of your post.
6. No duplicate content
All blog posts must be unique and original. They cannot exist on other websites/forums and shouldn’t be recreated on another site after publishing to the Botkeeper Blog.
7. Target Audience
Botkeeper blog posts are directed primarily at the accounting space, including accounting firms, partners, CPAs, and their business clients. If your content is primarily geared toward business owners, we ask that you frame the subject matter as helpful to a CPA, as well. (i.e., "10 Tips for Small Business Owners" > "10 Tips to Pass onto Your SMB Clients”).
8. Tone
Botkeeper’s tone is overall casual but informed and credible. We try to minimize formal writing while also promoting our brand as an expert in the automation and accounting spaces. We're not shy about having fun whenever possible, but we're also sympathetic to what our audience might be experiencing — especially during uncertain and challenging times. We encourage you to have some fun with your writing!
Anything that's been covered on our blog before. Please do a search of our site before submitting your topic idea.
Anything that's overly critical of individuals or companies.
Anything that can be viewed as disturbing, offensive, or inaccurate.
Anything that promotes your company in a “spammy” or “salesy” tone.
The Blogging Process with Botkeeper
Here’s what you can expect after submitting interest to write a guest post for the Botkeeper Blog:
Once you’ve submitted your interest, we’ll review your request and let you know if your topic has been approved.
If it’s approved, we'll ask you to send us your draft in Google Doc form, and one of our editors will review it and leave edit suggestions and feedback.
If/when you apply the edits, send it back to us! We'll apply any final edits, format it, and slot it in the editorial calendar to be published on the blog.
Can I Write for the Botkeeper Blog on a Regular Basis?
Absolutely! That said, all content is subject to the same review standard, and we can’t guarantee availability/timing in advance. We welcome repeated external contributions in an effort to ensure that a wide array of guest writers have the chance to contribute.
What Would an Example Structure for a Blog Post Look Like?
If you’re not quite sure how to structure your post, check out the Botkeeper Blog to get started. However, your post doesn't have to adhere to these structures exactly. Just be sure that your post is organized, clear, and comprehensive.
The title
Your title should help readers understand exactly what they’re getting when they click on the post. Although basic, titles beginning with “How/Why/What/When” are always a good place to start (E.g., "What to avoid when…” or “Why bookkeeping is an essential operation…”)
The introduction
What’s the challenge people face with this topic, and how can this strategy or solution benefit the reader and help them achieve great things? What hurdles are you addressing, or what goals are you educating on? Ideally, we aim to summarize the challenge or pain point that is initially being faced.
The results
Call out the outcome or result of whatever strategy or method you used. Did it grow your client base? Triple revenue? Improve customer retention? Provide quantifiable data wherever possible. Images, graphs, videos, and charts are great ways to display this!
The steps/method
Take the reader through the steps you used to achieve those results. Articulate your steps clearly — you’re welcome to list them with subheadings that read, “Step 1,” “Step 2,” and so on with a concise description of the step next to the step number (E.g., “Step 1: Make a list of your top clients”).
The conclusion
Reinforce your results. Show the reader what you/your company/the user did with these results and what you/they can anticipate next. How did these outcomes help the team or business succeed or reach their goals? What’s the final impression you hope to leave the reader with? Ensure they walk away feeling motivated to use the knowledge in your post to find success.
If you’d like more information, feel free to email us at And if you're ready to submit your idea for the Botkeeper Blog, simply click the blog request form below.