Pricing and Packaging

Where can I see the details of my subscription?

Botkeeper makes it easy for you to manage your subscription details.

Take the following steps within your portal to see the details of your subscription:

  1. Launch your portal using your custom firm url.
  2. Navigate to the global Portal Manager module.
  3. If not defaulted, click on the Clients tab.
  4. Click the Add Client button.
  5. A popup window will appear and one of two banners will be displayed at the top of the window.
    1. A blue banner means you have available client licenses. The banner will display the count in the following format: 
      1. Used licenses / Paid licenses (i.e., 5/8), meaning:
        1. You are managing 5 licenses (clients) in the platform. 
        2. You are paying for 8 licenses. 
        3. You have 3 unused licenses.

  6. A red banner means you're using all your client licenses, and will be required to upgrade your subscription before you will be able to scope additional clients.
    1. Used licenses / Paid Licenses 8/8, meaning: 
      1. You are managing 8 licenses (clients) in the platform. 
      2. You are paying for 8 licenses. 
      3. You have 0 unused licenses and cannot add any additional clients until you upgrade (add additional licenses) your subscription.

To add licenses to your subscription refer to this article: How do I upgrade my subscription to add licenses?