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If my client hand-writes checks, and the check images are not included on the bank statement, may we provide you with the check images and or remittance details to complete the Rapid Write-Up service?

Yes! But read on to learn how that works.

Yes, we will accept check images or remittance details to complete the Rapid Write-Up service. Note, these need to be supplied to us in the Deployment phase (i.e.,before the service begins). If they are not supplied during that time, then we will mark unidentifiable transactions as uncategorized and they will be surfaced to you via the uncategorized transaction report upon our completion of the Rapid Write-Up service.

For clients with handwritten checks we will follow this process:

  • If the firm provides bank statements or legible check remittance details, We will categorize these transactions with respect to the details provided.  
  • If we receive illegible details regarding handwritten checks, these transactions will be categorized to the uncategorized account and the firm will receive a copy of the Uncategorized Transaction Report as part of the RWU output documents.