JE Automation

What is JE Automation?

The JE Automation module automates the recording of loan principal and interest splits.

JE Automation allows you to easily create and edit loan schedules so you can automate the recording of principal and interest splits in loan transactions.

Creating a new loan schedule

  1. Select a client.
  2. Choose JE Automation from the left navigation.
  3. Click the green New Loan Schedule button in the upper right corner of the screen as seen below:

  4. Fill out the required information in the form that pops up:

  5. Click the green Submit button that appears in the lower right of the pop-up window.

Edit a loan schedule

  1. From the main screen of JE Automation, click the edit icon on the right side of the loan you wish to edit:

  2. Make the changes you need to make, then click Save Changes. You may also Cancel your changes, or Delete the schedule completely.

Review a schedule

  1. From the main screen of JE Automation, click on the Details button on the right side of the loan:

  2. You'll be presented with the loan schedule, along with options to Download, edit or Create Adjustments:

Download a schedule

Simply click the Download Schedule button in the upper right corner of the loan details screen. You can choose from CSV or PDF formats:

Adjust a schedule

  1. Click the Create Adjustments button at the right top of the payment schedule shown on the loan details screen.

  2. Click the Add button appearing in the pop-up window:

  3. Enter the date, amount, and description for your adjustment. You may continue adding more adjustments if needed. Click Submit when finished: