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Botkeeper Accounting Partner responsibilities | Categorizing Transactions

What are my responsibilities as a Botkeeper Accounting Partner for categorizing transactions?

  • Provide required information by the close cutoff date (Up to 1 business day will be added to the close due date for each business day overdue.)
  • If the partner or client has not categorized and marked reviewed in Transaction Manager nor communicated the coding for any uncategorized transaction(s) as of the close due date:
    • The Monthly Closing task with any linked reports, if applicable, will be posted to the portal on the close due date. The partner will be responsible for any regeneration of reports for the same period thereafter.
  • For Xero clients: 
    • Until the close due date, the uncategorized transactions will be unreconciled and editable in Transaction Manager. Partner should edit the category, payee, class, or split for each uncategorized transaction and mark the transaction as reviewed. This will mark the transaction as reconciled in Xero.
    • After the close due date, uncategorized transactions will be marked as reconciled in Xero, which will make them un-editable in Transaction Manager. You may comment on the transaction(s) in Transaction Manager requesting it/they be edited in Xero with the necessary updates to the transaction. The updated categorization will sync back to Transaction Manager thereafter. Alternatively, the partner may make any necessary changes directly in Xero for an immediate change