Here are the exciting new updates released December 19, 2023 on the Botkeeper platform!
- Client drop-down navigation expanded
You can now view up to 100 clients from the drop-down navigation at the top of the left menu bar.
- Export transactions to CSV
You can now export transactions to a CSV file. Just filter for what you need and export. It's perfect for sharing with clients or reviewing activity across your team or clients. Read how.
Last File Uploaded Date Added
A new column in the Documents module tells you the date of the last file uploaded, in addition to its creation date. This will help you see at a glance when a new version of a document has been made available.
- Client Scope of Service Package Now Displays in Portal Manager
In Portal manager, the Clients tab now contains a column showing the scope of services package for each client for easy reference. Learn more.
New "Read" and "Resolved" Indicators
Each comment tile will have indicators on the right to let you know if the comment has been READ and/or RESOLVED. The display order of this column defaults to show read comments first, starting with the one most recently read. Learn more.
Digest Option for "Overdue" and "Done" Tasks
In “Notifications,” users may now opt to receive daily or weekly email digest summaries of tasks that are overdue or done. Reduce your email and get all your notifications just the way you want them!