
How do I upload a new version of a document?

Take the steps listed here if a new version of an existing file needs to be uploaded or is requested by your accountant.

If a new version of an existing file needs to be uploaded or is requested by your accountant, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Documents module.
  2. Click on the folder (and any applicable sub-folders) till you navigate to the document you would like to view.
  3. Click the ••• (3 dots) in the Action column for the selected file:
  4. Select the Upload New Version option:
  5. A popup window will appear for you to select the Browse Files button:

  6. Navigate to and select the new file version you would like to upload:
  7. Click the Upload button. 
  8. You will be brought back to your task list and receive 2 alerts in the lower right corner of the window:
    1. Uploading Files - waiting on security scan:
    2. Upload Complete.