How do I add Botkeeper to 3rd-party expense apps?
Botkeeper currently supports Expensify and Brex. Setup methods differ between the two.
Instructions to add us to
Navigate to Settings > Workspaces > Groups > [respective Workspace] > Members
Click the Invite button
A pop-up window will appear
Complete the following fields
Role: Workspace Admin
Submits To: Use the dropdown to choose a User
Approves To: You can choose No One or use the dropdown to choose a User
Add a personal message: this is an optional field and used to welcome the new user into Expensify
- Click the Invite button
Instructions to add user to Brex- Expand the Team tab and click on Users and cards on the left-hand side of the Brex dashboard
- On the top right, click on Invite user
- Enter requested info:
- First Name: Firm AI
- Last Name: Access
- (a unique email address per each invite is needed)
- Select a bookkeeper role or admin
- Decline physical card upon accepting invitations into a csv file under the Activities tab
***Access provided should not include the ability to transfer or move monies of any kind ***
If 2FA Verification is required for your 3rd party application please adhere to the following:
- Setup with either the following:
- Email address:
- Phone number (716) 226-0335
- Not all applications require an email address, there are times that it only asks for a number to send the code via sms or call