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How do I add Botkeeper to 3rd-party expense apps?

Botkeeper currently supports Expensify and Brex. Setup methods differ between the two.

Instructions to add us to
  1. Navigate to Settings > Workspaces > Groups > [respective Workspace] > Members

  2. Click the Invite button

  3. A pop-up window will appear

  4. Complete the following fields

    1. Email:

    2. Role:  Workspace Admin

    3. Submits To: Use the dropdown to choose a User

    4. Approves To: You can choose No One or use the dropdown to choose a User

    5. Add a personal message: this is an optional field and used to welcome the new user into Expensify

  5. Click the Invite button
Important to note - expense approvals are not included in the scope of service for Expensify 


Instructions to add user to Brex
  1. Expand the Team tab and click on Users and cards on the left-hand side of the Brex dashboard
  2. On the top right, click on Invite user
  3. Enter requested info:
    1. First Name: Firm AI
    2. Last Name: Access
    3. (a unique email address per each invite is needed)
  4. Select a bookkeeper role or admin
  5. Decline physical card upon accepting invitations into a csv file under the Activities tab
Brex also provides guidance on adding users on their website: 

***Access provided should not include the ability to transfer or move monies of any kind ***

If 2FA Verification is required for your 3rd party application please adhere to the following:

  1. Setup with either the following:
    1. Email address: 
    2. Phone number  (716) 226-0335
  2. Not all applications require an email address, there are times that it only asks for a number to send the code via sms or call