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How do I add a client?

Your experience will be slightly different depending on whether your client is using a legacy (non-Infinite) package, Infinite, or Infinite with added services.

Choose the applicable platform for the client you wish to add:

Legacy (non-Infinite)


Infinite with Additional Services

Adding a client in a legacy (non-Infinite) platform:

To scope a new client, click on Client and User Management on the left-hand navigation, and select the Clients tab from the top navigation. Click on Scope Client on the top right of the Clients tab.

  • The Scope Client button opens to a new window, displayed below:   

  • Select a Client Type (bookkeeping, platform only), and fill in the appropriate fields.
  • Once all the appropriate fields are completed in the Company Information and Services tabs your next step is to Deploy this client
  • Click the Action button in the upper right corner of the scoping window
  • Select the Deploy option from the drop down list
    • If the Deploy button is not eligible for selection review the details in the Company and Services tab to ensure you have completed all the required fields (denoted with an *)
  • You will be asked if Clean-up services are required and finally presented with acknowledgements before being requested to sign and deploy your client

Adding a client in Infinite (tech-only):

Adding a client is simple. From most places in the platform, you will see a blue button in the top bar near your profile. It will take you to Client and User Management, where you can add your client:

You can also go directly to Client and User Management if you prefer. Once there, you will see a green button:

Simply click the Add Client button, and follow these simple steps:

NOTE: The number of steps will change based on whether you configure any accounts for Smart Connect in Step 3. If there are none, the wizard will skip step 4 and take you straight to "Customize AI," where you can configure GL Automation if desired.

⚠️ If you leave the Add Client wizard before completing all steps, you will need to continue your progress manually. This article will help guide you in doing that.

STEP 1: Enter client details.

Input the client's details, including their name, primary and secondary industry, accounting software, and primary point of contact. You may add a user already in the system as your point of contact, or select "Invite New User" from the dropdown menu when adding your client, if that user isn't currently in the system.

If the client is a DBA, you may also add that name.

STEP 2: Connect the client's general ledger (QBO and Xero only).

If your client's GL is QBO or Xero, connect their GL to the platform. Select their accounting software, then click the button to visit the GL and connect it to the system

Screen 2

NOTE: When a new client is added to the platform and no GL is connected, a task will be automatically generated for the Client Point of Contact as a reminder to connect the GL.

STEP 3: Connect the client's accounts.

⚠️ If you do not configure any accounts for Smart Connect, the wizard will skip to Step 5, where you can configure GL Automation.

  1. You'll connect the client's financial institutions over the next three steps. Note the Cheat Sheet contains accounts from your client's GL that are eligible to be connected to your Botkeeper platform.

    Add client 3.1-2

  2. Select the name of the financial institution from the Select and connect your client's financial institutions drop-down. If you have the credentials for the account, select Yes under Do you have credentials? This will take you directly to the financial institution's site to sign in.

    If you select No, you will receive an option to:
    1. Be connected via task
    2. Have an sent email to the credential owner**; or
    3. Be given a shareable link you can share with the credential owner to connect the account; without needing to be an active user of the Botkeeper platform
    Once the above information is set click the Configure Account Automation button to configure the account:

    Add Client 3.3
  3. When the window refreshes you will be presented with a permissions acknowledgement window. Click the Next button to accept the terms and conditions, and advance to authenticating the account connection.

    Add CLient 3.4
  4. Once you have connected an account (or requested a third party to connect it), you will see a screen similar to the below, showing your connected account and allowing you to add more accounts as needed. Proceed to add any additional accounts before clicking Configure Account Automation.

    Add Client 3.6

**NOTE: When choosing to email a Smart Link, the platform sends the email "behind the scenes," to only a single email address; and you will not receive any notification or receipt of the email. If your client doesn't receive this email, you will need to send it to them manually. You will find the Smart Link in a task assigned to you after you choose to have an email sent to your client. You may copy it and choose another method to send it to your client.

STEP 4: Link Accounts & Automate.

⚠️ This step will ONLY appear if Smart Connect connections are established in Step 3. If none are, this step will not appear and you will instead be brought to the "Customize AI" step next.

In this step, you'll map your client's smart connect accounts to their respective account in their GL, choose whether the transactions from each account will post to the GL using AutoPush, ManualPush, or no automation at all. You can also choose the date to start auto-categorizing transactions from the account, choosing any date up to 24 months in the past, today, or any future date you wish.

Use AutoPush if:

  • Account is connected in Smart Connect with no 3rd-party apps syncing to the GL.
  • Account is connected in Smart Connect with 3rd-party apps syncing to a clearing account in the GL (e.g., BILL, Melio, Stripe, Square, ADP, Gusto).|
  • Account is connected in Smart Connect and using a payroll provider other than QBO Payroll.

Use ManualPush if:

  • Account is connected in Smart Connect with 3rd-party apps syncing to the bank/credit card account in the GL (e.g., Expensify, Dext).
  • Account is connected in Smart Connect and using QBO payroll

Use No Automation if:

  • You've connected an account you don't want/need automation for either via AutoPush or ManualPush.

By default, when the platform has low- or medium-confidence about a transaction categorization, it will not post the transaction to the GL until you have reviewed it. At the end of this screen, you have the ability to choose to post these transactions to the GL anyway.

Add Client 4

Once all your accounts are updated and your sync is set for low and medium confidence transactions, click the Add More Automation Settings button

STEP 5: Customize AI

Customize how Botkeeper Infinite uses the information in the GL to build the machine learning model. Use all the data available in the GL, or specify the dates the model should use to train on. 

  • Identify:
    • Accounts you would like the machine to omit learning from in your client's GL.
    • A materiality threshold that if met or exceeded will require that transaction to be manually reviewed before posting to your client's GL.
    • Who transactions should be sent to for review; if left blank these transactions will require a proactive review as no one will be notified that these transactions are sitting in the Needs Review tab.
Once the above settings are completed click the Done button.


If you didn't configure a Smart Connect connection in Step 3, the Customize AI step will look like this:

Note, if you selected No for the question Is all the transaction data available in the GL accurate and consistent?, then you will need to set your client's GL training dates. You'll do this by choosing a start and end date for the machine to learn from your client's historical transactions. Below is an example of what this would look like.
Your start date should be timed with the last transactions being worked via the GL Bank Feeds to avoid duplicates:
  • Disable Bank Feeds in client’s general ledger (QBO/Xero)
    • Reconcile through a specific date in the month.
    • Disconnect the bank feeds.
    • Configure Transaction Manager for the following business day.

Add Client 5 no

Click Done, and you've done it!

DOne screen

Adding an Infinite Client With Services:

Adding a client is simple. From most places in the platform, you will see a blue button in the top bar near your profile. It will take you to Client and User Management, where you can add your client:

You can also go directly to Client and User Management if you prefer. Once there, you will see a green button:

Simply click the Add Client button, and do the following simple five steps:

⚠️ If you leave the Add Client wizard before completing all 5 steps, you will need to continue your progress manually. This article will help guide you in doing that.

STEP 1: Enter client details.

Input the client's details, including their name, primary and secondary industry, accounting software, and primary point of contact. If the client is a DBA, you may also add that name.

STEP 2: Connect the client's general ledger (QBO and Xero only).

If your client's GL is QBO or Xero, connect their GL to the platform. Select their accounting software, then click the button to visit the GL and connect it to the system

Screen 2

STEP 3: Connect the client's accounts.

  1. You'll connect the client's financial institutions over the next three steps. Note the blue box contains accounts from your client's GL that are eligible to be connected to your Botkeeper platform.

    Add client 3.2

  2. Select the name of the financial institution from the Select and connect your client's financial institutions drop-down. If you have the credentials for the account, select Yes under Do you have credentials? This will take you directly to the financial institution's site to sign in.

    If you select No, you will receive an option to:
    1. Be connected via task
    2. Have an sent email to the credential owner**; or
    3. Be given a shareable link you can share with the credential owner to connect the account; without needing to be an active user of the Botkeeper platform
    Once the above information is set click the Configure Account Automation button to configure the account:

    Add Client 3.3
  3. When the window refreshes you will be presented with a permissions acknowledgement window. Click the Next button to accept the terms and conditions, and advance to authenticating the account connection.

    Add CLient 3.4
  4. Once you have connected an account (or requested a third party to connect it), you will see a screen similar to the below, showing your connected account and allowing you to add more accounts as needed. Proceed to add any additional accounts before clicking Configure Account Automation.

    Add Client 3.6

**NOTE: When choosing to email a Smart Link, the platform sends the email "behind the scenes," to only a single email address; and you will not receive any notification or receipt of the email. If your client doesn't receive this email, you will need to send it to them manually. You will find the Smart Link in a task assigned to you after you choose to have an email sent to your client. You may copy it and choose another method to send it to your client.

STEP 4: Link Accounts & Automate.

In this step, you'll choose whether the transactions from each account will post to the GL using AutoPush, ManualPush, or no automation at all. You can also choose the date to start auto-categorizing transactions from the account, choosing any date up to 24 months in the past, today, or any future date you wish.

Use AutoPush if:

  • Account is connected in Smart Connect with no 3rd-party apps syncing to the GL.
  • Account is connected in Smart Connect with 3rd-party apps syncing to a clearing account in the GL (e.g., BILL, Melio, Stripe, Square, ADP, Gusto).|
  • Account is connected in Smart Connect and using a payroll provider other than QBO Payroll.

Use ManualPush if:

  • Account is connected in Smart Connect with 3rd-party apps syncing to the bank/credit card account in the GL (e.g., Expensify, Dext).
  • Account is connected in Smart Connect and using QBO payroll

Use No Automation if:

  • You've connected an account you don't want/need automation for either via AutoPush or ManualPush.

By default, when the platform has low- or medium-confidence about a transaction categorization, it will not post the transaction to the GL until you have reviewed it. At the end of this screen, you have the ability to choose to post these transactions to the GL anyway.

Add Client 4

Once all your accounts are updated and your sync is set for low and medium confidence transactions, click the Add More Automation Settings button

STEP 5: Customize AI.

Customize how Botkeeper Infinite uses the information in the GL to build the machine learning model. Use all the data available in the GL, or specify the dates the model should use to train on. 

  • Identify:
    • Accounts you would like the machine to omit learning from in your client's GL.
    • A materiality threshold that if met or exceeded will require that transaction to be manually reviewed before posting to your client's GL.
    • Who transactions should be sent to for review; if left blank these transactions will require a proactive review as no one will be notified that these transactions are sitting in the Needs Review tab.
Once the above settings are completed click the Done button.

Add CLient 5

Note, if you selected No for the question Is all the transaction data available in the GL accurate and consistent?, then you will need to set your client's GL training dates. You'll do this by choosing a start and end date for the machine to learn from your client's historical transactions. Below is an example of what this would look like.
Your start date should be timed with the last transactions being worked via the GL Bank Feeds to avoid duplicates:
  • Disable Bank Feeds in client’s general ledger (QBO/Xero)
    • Reconcile through a specific date in the month.
    • Disconnect the bank feeds.
    • Configure Transaction Manager for the following business day.

Add Client 5 no

Click Done, and you've done it!

DOne screen

  • Once your client has been added to the system, go to the Client & User Management > Clients.
  • Select the client you would like to add services for.
  • When the window refreshes it will take you to the Details tab.
  • Click on the Add Services button.
  • Your window will refresh and you will be presented with the client's scoping tool.
  • From the Company Information tab, change the Client Type to be Bookkeeping.
  • Complete the rest of the onscreen required fields.
  • Click the Continue button in the lower right corner or select the Services tab.
  • Complete the required fields regarding what services you would like Botkeeper to manage on behalf of this client.
  • When finished, click the Action—Deploy button.