Partner Admin | Partner Ops | Client Self Service | Client Admin | Client Ops | |
Client & User Management* | |||||
View & Search Clients The ability to view and search for clients within the client table |
View & Search Users The ability to view and search for users within the user table |
Scope Client Can scope client with "Scope Client" button on clients page |
View Partner Users Ability to view partner on users table and go to their details page |
View Client Users Ability to view client on users table and go to their details page |
Add Partner Users to Client Ability to add a partner user to client using the "Add User" button in portal manager |
Add Client Users to Client Ability to add a client user to client using the "Add User" button in portal manager |
Add/Invite Partner Users Ability to invite a partner user to client using the "Invite User" button in portal manager |
Add/Invite Client Users Ability to invite a client user to client using the "Invite User" button in portal manager |
Upload Partner Branding Ability to update logo and favicon for a partner |
Update another User's role Ability to edit the user role type for a user |
Edit Another User's Details Ability to edit another users details on that user's user details page |
Edit Client Details Ability to edit client details on that client's client details page |
Edit Partner Details Ability to edit client details on that client's client details page |
Deactivate Users Ability to deactivate user from user details page or user table |
View Client POC & Bank Statement POC columns Client/Bank Statement Points of Contact viewable/editable in Details tab of Client & User Management. |
Client Added Date References the date the client was added to the platform. |
Access to ‘Invite New Users’ option in user dropdowns Invite new users directly in the “Add Client” workflow. |
Ability to invite a Client Self Service user Role type allows firms to provide their clients expanded access to the Botkeeper platform. |
Show partner admin users to partner ops users in users table Partner Ops users will now be able to see who the Partner Admin users are in the Users table of the Client & User Management module. Partner Ops users will not be able to see Partner Admin details or action anything for those users. |
Copy for POC last updated on/by In the Client→Details tab of Client and User Management, the Client Point of Contact field will indicate if the point of contact has been changed by displaying the date of the change and who changed it. |
Can see alert pop-ups Users who attempt to exit the Add Client wizard before completing all steps will see an alert letting them know that they cannot resume where they left off, providing instructions for how to complete the client addition later. |
Ability to enable GL automation from Add Client flow Users can now enable the new GL Automation feature directly from the Add Client option. |
Can view close dates | |||||
Can edit close dates | |||||
Can connect/reconnect a client's general ledger | |||||
What user roles can provide Botkeeper with Support Access |
Botkeeper Permissions Guide
This guide provides a detailed overview of the different permission levels available on our platform, how they interact, and how to assign and manage these permissions.
Built with you in mind.
As part of our commitment to creating a flexible and secure automation platform, Botkeeper offers a range of user permissions and roles designed to fit your organization's unique needs.
*formerly named Portal Manager
Partner Admin | Partner Ops | Client Self Service | Client Admin | Client Ops | |
Work, Projects, Documents | |||||
Create New Task | |||||
Filter Tasks | |||||
View Other Users tasks | |||||
Reject Task | |||||
Delete Task Task owners can delete their own task(s). |
View and complete task assigned to you | |||||
View and complete task assigned to partner | |||||
View and complete task assigned to client | Only Self |
View and complete task assigned to service provider | |||||
Edit Task Details The ability to edit details of a task on the task details page |
Edit Task Instructions of a task they requested | |||||
Create Project Template | |||||
Create Project From Template | |||||
View Projects View a project for a client you have access to on the Projects Page |
Delete a Project Delete a project for a client you have access to on the Projects Page |
End Recurrence of a Project End the Recurrence of a Project you have access to |
View and Search Documents | |||||
Upload a Document to Default folder | |||||
Upload a Document to Custom folder | |||||
Create Default Folder/Subfolders | |||||
Create Custom Folder/Subfolders | |||||
Upload New Document Version Upload a new version of a document |
Restore Previous Versions on Documents | |||||
Rename Non-System-Generated folder created by Partner Rename a Folder that was created by a partner, applies only to non-system-generated folders |
Rename Non-System-Generated folder created by Client Rename a Folder that was created by a client, applies only to non-system-generated folders |
Delete files and folders created by Client | |||||
Download Documents | |||||
Comment on Documents | |||||
Rename Non-System-Generated folder created by Service Provider | |||||
Delete files and folders created by Service Provider | |||||
Delete files and folders created by Partner | |||||
Set/Edit task watcher Allows additional users to be notified when a task is completed. |
(only if task requester) |
(only if task requester) |
(only if task requester) |
Update task instructions on future task recurrences (Note: user must be the task requester) Allows users to have the option to update a future task recurrence when task instructions are edited. |
Add and delete tasks from projects tab Allows users to add/delete tasks from an open or upcoming project on the projects tab. |
Edit Upcoming Tasks | |||||
Edit Project Details Partner users may edit project details even after the project has been launched. Changes will apply to all future instances of the project. |
Permanently delete a folder or file for the respective user level and below Immediately and permanently delete a folder or file. |
Moving files | |||||
Additional project recurrence options Project recurrence options include Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly. Users may also choose to customize recurrence. |
Edit project recurrence details Users may now choose to change their project recurrence from within the “Edit Project Details” selection. |
Show recurrence on projects table The “Recurrence” column displays the recurrence periods for each project. |
Allow partner users to move files uploaded by Service Providers | |||||
Allow partner users to rename files uploaded by Service Providers | |||||
Allow partner users to update the folders specified in an upload request task | |||||
Edit task watcher on upcoming tasks | |||||
Project watchers Partner users may add, edit, and save watchers to projects they have created. |
Deleting a folder with open document upload request tasks When attempting to delete a folder from Documents, users will now be prompted to assign a new folder to any open document upload tasks mapped to the folder being deleted. These tasks can be individually assigned to new folders, or reassigned in bulk to a single folder. Users may also choose to delete the open tasks associated with the folder undergoing deletion. |
Apply POC logic to non-recurring tasks |
Partner Admin | Partner Ops | Client Self Service | Client Admin | Client Ops | |
Transaction Manager | |||||
Search & Filter Transactions | |||||
View all transactions assigned to partner/client View transactions on Needs Review tab where assignee = partner or client user |
Edit transactions assigned to partner/client via main table Editing payee, category, or assignee fields via drop downs in main table where assignee = partner or client user |
Edit transactions assigned to partner/client via bulk edit Editing payee, category, class, or assignee fields via Edit Transactions button where assignee = partner or client user |
Match transactions assigned to partner/client Completing a match via Find a Match button in Action menu or completing a suggested match in expanded transaction view on Needs Review tab |
Exclude transactions assigned to partner/client Excluding a transaction on Needs Review tab via Exclude button in Action menu. This is available for users that have the transaction visible to them |
Reset transactions assigned to partner/client Resetting a transaction on Needs Review and Processed tabs via Reset button in Action menu |
Mark transactions assigned to partner/client reviewed Use the Mark Reviewed button to review transaction and move it to Processed tab |
View Processed transactions View transactions on Processed Tab |
Leave comment on transaction Ability to see the comment drawer and leave a comment |
View Transaction Log Ability to see the Transaction Log tab via the Details button in Action menu |
View AutoPush Configurations Can see the Configurations tab but cannot click 'edit' buttons |
Edit AutoPush Configurations (AutoPush Settings) Can see the Configurations tab and click 'edit' button for the AutoPush Settings |
View AutoPush Icons Can see the AutoPush icons next to Payee and Category fields |
Export Transactions | Only transactions assigned to them |
Only transactions assigned to them |
View module (if QBO or Xero client only) Only QBO or Xero users can see the Transaction Manager module. |
View/Use Category parent & sub accounts Sub accounts appear indented under the parent account. |
Edit Check Date Allows the user to manually update the Check Date on a transaction. |
(all transactions where a client admin or client ops user is the assignee) |
(if they are the assignee) |
View/Edit Class Users can view and edit the class field, which appears as a column in the main table. |
(if they are the assignee) |
(if they are the assignee) |
View/Edit Customer/Project Users may view/edit the Customer/Project field, which appears as a column in the main table. |
(if they are the assignee) |
(if they are the assignee) |
Clear Payee Users can clear the Payee field by clicking the "X" button to the right of the payee name. |
(if they are the assignee) |
(if they are the assignee) |
Select AutoPush/Manual Push | |||||
Search by description in Find a Match Search for items in the description field within the “Find A Match” modal. |
Can view Model Eligibility Requirement banner When a new client is added to the platform, Transaction Manager will display a banner listing the requirements to enable automated transaction categorization. |
View and edit customer/project column when using projects | |||||
View Transaction Manager last refreshed timestamp Users will now see the time and date of the most recent GL sync in Transaction Manager. |
View/Click refresh button to force sync of Transaction Manager with the GL | |||||
Able to view Default Logic predictions | |||||
View Find a Match The Find a Match modal displays a list of user-selected transactions, including their date, description, and amount. |
Sort in Find a Match | |||||
View selected transactions at top of the main table In the main table of Transaction Manager, users’ selected transactions appear in a list above the main transactions table along with all the transactions’ attributes. |
Bulk edit, add to GL, and review BF txns. | |||||
View & set automation settings | |||||
Can view banner A banner within Transaction Manager will appear to let users know when AI custom models are trained and ready, but AutoPush, ManualPush, or upcoming GL automation have not been set up. |
Edit payees on line items For QBO clients in the Edit modal of Transaction Manager, deposit transactions will now display a Payee column defaulting to the same payee set in the main table. When splitting a deposit, users can add a different payee to each line item, allowing them to categorize their deposits directly within Transaction Manager. |
Configure GL Account Automation This option should not be used concurrently with Smart Connect for the same account, or duplication could occur. Users of third-party expense management tools flowing into Botkeeper should not use GL Automation for those accounts, and instead should use Smart Connect configured with ManualPush turned on. |
Ability to change filters without having to select ‘All’ | |||||
Can mark reviewed from edit modal for single transactions Users will now see Mark Reviewed included in the edit modals for Bank Feed (Add to GL & Mark Reviewed) and General Ledger (Save & Mark Reviewed), allowing them to mark transactions reviewed there or in the main table. |
Can search Find a Match by reference number | |||||
Search Find a Match by unpaid balances Find a Match will now return results for unpaid balances when the user searches a corresponding amount. |
Partner Admin | Partner Ops | Client Self Service | Client Admin | Client Ops | |
Smart Connect | |||||
Request Connection can request a Smart Connect connection |
Add New Connection add a new bank account connection in Smart Connect |
Edit Connection (change owner and delete connection) can edit a connection (see action dropdown/"edit" in connection list for the connection) |
Enable/Disable Statement Downloads | |||||
See/Download Bank Statements | |||||
View disconnect banner on Account Details page A banner appears on the Account Details page if an account becomes disconnected, letting the user know whether action is required or not. |
View/Use Category parent & sub accounts Sub accounts appear indented under the parent account. |
Can edit statement download day Choose day of the month the platform will attempt to download a statement for the account in question. If no date is set, the platform will continue attempting to download statements on the 2nd of the following month. |
Partner Admin | Partner Ops | Client Self Service | Client Admin | Client Ops | |
Password Manager | |||||
Request Credentials Request credentials from the request credentials button on password manager |
Add New Credentials | |||||
Edit Existing Credentials Only applies to those credentials you own |
Report an Issue Report an issue with added credentials |
Delete Account | |||||
View Request Notifications View credentials you were requested to add |
Share Credentials Toggle in the credentials details to share credentials |
Edit Sharing Edit (toggle) the permission for botkeeper users to see the credentials |
Partner Admin | Partner Ops | Client Self Service | Client Admin | Client Ops | |
Bot Review | |||||
View/Use Category parent & sub accounts Sub accounts appear indented under the parent account. |
View/Edit Class Users can view and edit the class field, which appears as a column in the main table. |
View/Edit Customer/Project Users may view/edit the Customer/Project field, which appears as a column in the main table. |
Clear Payee Users can clear the Payee field by clicking the "X" button to the right of the payee name. |
Partner Admin | Partner Ops | Client Self Service | Client Admin | Client Ops | |
JE Automation | |||||
Add/Edit Loan Schedule Users may add or edit a loan schedule in JE Automation. |
Partner Admin | Partner Ops | Client Self Service | Client Admin | Client Ops | |
Activity Hub | |||||
View comments | |||||
Mark comment read/resolved | |||||
View Document Upload activity | |||||
Documents moved in Activity Hub The “Document Moved By” filter allows users to search for files by who moved them. |
Partner Admin | Partner Ops | Client Self Service | Client Admin | Client Ops | |
Close Tracker | |||||
View Assignee, Status, Close Date, Notes | |||||
Edit Assignee, Status, Close Date, Add/Edit/Delete Notes (Infinite Plus clients) | |||||
Global View - Edit Assignee, Status, Close Date, Add/Edit/Delete Notes (Infinite clients) | |||||
Global View - Edit Assignee, Status, Close Date, Add/Edit/Delete Notes (Infinite Plus clients) | |||||
View Closed Date filter | |||||
Edit Closed Date filter | |||||
Access to Export to CSV Button The Close Tracker “Export to CSV” button allows users to export all columns from the table and notes to a CSV file. |
Can view Close Tracker statuses Close Tracker statuses have been updated to reflect the client type: Infinite or Infinite plus services. For clients with added services, the “closed” status is divided into “Closed but not shared with client;” and “Closed and shared with client.” |
View Reviewer Close Tracker allows the assignment of a Reviewer, whose name will be shown in a reviewer column beside the Assignee column. Users can filter for Reviewer. |
Edit Reviewer Close Tracker allows the assignment of a Reviewer, whose name will be shown in a reviewer column beside the Assignee column. Users can filter for Reviewer. |
(Infinite clients only) |
(Infinite clients only) |
(Infinite clients only) |
Partner Admin | Partner Ops | Client Self Service | Client Admin | Client Ops | |
Auto Bank Rec | |||||
Can access Bulk Edit & Add to GL button Once a user has begun or resumed a reconciliation for an account, the Reconcile tab will now offer an Edit & Add to GL button, allowing users to select and add multiple transactions to the GL at once. Once the user clicks the button, an edit modal will open allowing them to update the Category, Payee, Class, and Customer/Project fields. |
Partner Admin | Partner Ops | Client Self Service | Client Admin | Client Ops | |
General | |||||
In-app support chat and quick assistance via knowledge base articles or frequently asked questions. | |||||
Add Links to Comment I Posted Users may add a link to comments in the comment drawer. |
Access Portal Settings option under the gear icon Navigates the user to the Details tab of the User & Client Management module. |
Access User Permissions option under the gear icon Navigates the user to the Users tab of the User & Client Management module. |
See Left Hand Nav All modules will now be viewable on the left navigation regardless of whether a client has been selected or not. |
Ability to copy & paste images into comments | |||||
Default notifications to daily digest Notifications that have a digest option will now default to the Daily Digest option, if a digest option hasn’t already been selected. Users can change this at any time in their Notification Settings. |
Do not hesitate to contact us via the knowledge base and support center!