The Botkeeper Blog

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4 min read

Tm2 Saves 30 Hours A Week with Botkeeper’s Accounting Partner Program

Tm2 Accounting Solutions in Nashville, Tenn., was developed out of the idea that there’s a better way to serve and meet clients’ financial and tax...

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6 min read

Recording In-Kind Donations for Nonprofits | Everything You Need

Your client's nonprofit organization is required to record and report not only cash donations but in-kind contributions, too. Sound like a lot?...

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What Percentage of Construction Costs Is Labor?

4 min read

What Percentage of Construction Costs Is Labor?

Sometimes there’s truth to the old adage that if you want something done right, you do it yourself. And usually that’s when you’re working on a...

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Tax Education: Everything You Need to Know about the Federal Tax Deadline | Botkeeper

7 min read

Tax Education: Everything You Need to Know about the Tax Deadline

Any American with a pulse knows that individuals and businesses pay a plethora of taxes. But it wasn't always that way. Even though taxes have been...

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4 min read

Construction Accounting Basics for Contractors

A day in the life of a contractor is a busy one. You’re up early to answer emails and sort through paperwork before heading to a job site. From there...

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A businessman showing things on his laptop

4 min read

Bookkeeping vs. Accounting: What's the Difference?

Unless you’re a bookkeeper or accountant by trade, you probably don’t spend your days thinking about the two (but hey, no shame if you do)....

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4 min read

Client Discussions: What Does a Modern Bookkeeper Do?

Bookkeeping…we’ve all heard of it, but what exactly is it? Explaining it to clients in simple terms is challenging, but: bookkeeping is defined as...

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6 min read

Bookkeeping Meets AI:Trends & Predictions for the Future of Accounting

If you’re in the accounting profession, chances are you’re getting used to the integration of various forms of technology in the industry, including...

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