The Botkeeper Blog

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Client advisory services (CAS)


3 min read

How to Communicate the True Brand Value of Your CAS Firm

In the dynamic landscape of Client Accounting Services (CAS), effectively communicating your firm's brand value is a strategic necessity. To stand...

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3 min read

Looking for a free tool to help offer CAS during tax season? Look here

Every year, firms around the country miss out on one of the best opportunities they’ll see for selling additional services to current clients. They...

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Creating a successful end-to-end CAS engagement | Botkeeper

6 min read

Creating a successful end-to-end CAS engagement

When many firms start a Client Advisory Services (CAS) practice, they have a tendency to jump in the same way they might if they were starting a tax...

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5 min read

Here's How to Ditch Seasonal Firm Growth for More Predictable Growth

The World Series just ended, and it got us thinking about how accounting is a bit like baseball: it’s heavy on numbers and statistics, it can be...

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graphic question mark asking symbol

5 min read

Better CAS Means Better Questions: 5 Questions to Ask Your Clients

How does an experienced accounting professional merge their years of experience and skills with the specific needs of their clients? To be honest, it...

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5 min read

Want Lifelong Advisory Clients? Solve These 4 Accounting Problems

With the ongoing evolution of the accountant’s role thanks to technology (notice we didn’t say tech was replacing accountants!), it’s not always...

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Identifying Clients Who Need CAS & Meeting Their Expectations

6 min read

Identifying Clients Who Need CAS & Meeting Their Expectations

Let’s take a moment to consider how different accounting is these days. It’s no longer just about balancing books, running payroll, preparing taxes,...

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