3 min read

5 Reasons Your Accounting Firm's CAS Department Might Be Failing


You’ve read in plenty of places, here included, that firms should be pivoting to advisory services both to enhance their bottom line and to remain competitive. But not all CAS departments achieve the success they aspire to. If your CAS department is struggling, there could be several underlying reasons. Here are five potential issues that might be causing your CAS department to fail and how you can address them.



1. Lack of Defined Service Offerings

One of the most common reasons a CAS department might be failing is the lack of clear and well-defined service offerings. If your clients don’t understand what CAS entails or how it benefits their business, they’re less likely to see the value in these services. Many firms jump into CAS without thoroughly defining what services they will offer, who the ideal clients are, and how these services will be delivered.

Solution: Start by clearly outlining your CAS offerings. One way to do this is to reach out to your clients to let them know what services you offer. You can find free email templates to help explain and sell your advisory services here. Define each service, the outcomes clients can expect, and how these services integrate with their overall business strategy. This clarity helps in marketing your services effectively and sets the right expectations from the start. Additionally, training your team to articulate these services confidently is crucial to ensuring consistency in client communication.

2. Ineffective Use of Technology

Technology is the backbone of modern CAS, enabling firms to provide timely and accurate advice. However, if your firm is not utilizing the right technology or is underutilizing existing tools, your CAS department could be lagging behind. Technology should automate routine tasks, provide deep data insights, and facilitate seamless communication with clients.

Solution: Evaluate your current technology stack and assess whether it meets the needs of your CAS department. Are you using tools that integrate well with your clients’ systems? Are your team members trained to use these tools to their full potential? Investing in robust CAS software that includes analytics, reporting, and automation features is essential. Also, consider whether your team needs additional training to leverage these tools effectively. Botkeeper is the perfect example of bookkeeping automation that both enables and informs CAS services.


3. Poor Client Onboarding and Engagement

The success of CAS hinges on strong client relationships. If your firm has a weak onboarding process or lacks ongoing engagement strategies, clients may become disengaged, leading to poor outcomes and client turnover. Clients need to feel that their advisory team is an integral part of their business and that the services provided are tailored to their specific needs.

Solution: Develop a structured client onboarding process that sets the tone for a strong partnership. This process should include setting clear goals, establishing regular communication channels, and providing clients with easy access to the tools and resources they need. Furthermore, regular check-ins, personalized advice, and proactive problem-solving can help maintain high levels of client engagement and satisfaction.


4. Inadequate Staffing and Skill Gaps

A successful CAS department requires a team with a diverse skill set that goes beyond traditional accounting knowledge. If your team lacks the necessary skills in areas such as business strategy, technology, and industry-specific knowledge, your CAS department might struggle to deliver the value clients expect.

Solution: Conduct a thorough skills assessment of your CAS team. Identify any gaps and invest in targeted training or hiring specialists with the necessary expertise. Additionally, consider creating a mentorship program where more experienced team members can help develop newer staff. Keeping your team updated with the latest industry trends and technologies is also vital to staying competitive. Not fully comfortable with the talent search? Here’s a free resource that can help you think through hiring considerations for your firm

5. Inability to Scale Services

As your CAS department grows, scaling your services to meet increased demand can be challenging. Without the right processes and infrastructure in place, your firm might struggle with inefficiencies, leading to burnout among staff and inconsistent service delivery to clients.

Solution: Focus on building scalable processes from the start. Standardize procedures where possible, and make sure that your technology can support growth without compromising quality. Consider implementing workflow automation to handle repetitive tasks, freeing up your team to focus on high-value advisory work. Regularly review and adjust your processes to ensure they remain effective as your department expands.


A thriving CAS department can significantly enhance your firm’s value proposition and foster long-term client relationships. However, success requires more than just offering advisory services. By clearly defining your service offerings, leveraging the right technology, maintaining strong client engagement, ensuring your team has the necessary skills, and building scalable processes, you can overcome the common challenges that lead to failure. Addressing these issues head-on will position your firm to deliver exceptional advisory services that truly meet your clients’ needs and set your CAS department on the path to success.

Visit our dedicated CAS page for general information on how to make a good start with your CAS department.


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